The usable tags for threads.
The default auto archive duration for threads.
The default forum layout used to display threads.
The default reaction emoji for threads.
The default sort order mode used to sort threads.
The default amount of seconds between non-moderators sending messages in threads.
The flags for this channel, see ChannelFlags.
The id of the guild this channel is in.
lastThe most recently created thread.
The ID of most recently created thread.
The name of this channel.
If this channel is age gated.
The ID of the parent of this channel, if applicable.
The permission overwrites of this channel.
The position of this channel on the sidebar.
The amount of seconds between non-moderators creating threads.
Undocumented property.
The threads in this channel.
The guidelines
of this forum channel.
The type of this channel.
A string that will mention this channel.
The parent of this channel, if applicable. This will be a text/announcement/forum channel if we're in a thread, category otherwise.
Create an invite for this channel. If the guild is not a COMMUNITY
server, invites can only be made to last 30 days.
The options for the invite.
Create a webhook in this channel.
The options to create the webhook with.
Edit this channel.
The options for editing the channel.
Edit a permission overwrite on this channel.
The ID of the permission overwrite to edit.
The options for editing the permission overwrite.
Get the invites of this channel.
Get the public archived threads in this channel.
options: GetArchivedThreadsOptionsThe options for getting the public archived threads.
Get the permissions of a member. If providing an id, the member must be cached.
The member to get the permissions of.
Create a thread in a forum channel.
The options for starting the thread.
getGenerated using TypeDoc
Represents a forum channel.