The bitrate of the stage channel.
The id of the guild this channel is in.
lastThe last message sent in this channel. This will only be present if a message has been sent within the current session.
The ID of last message sent in this channel.
The cached messages in this channel.
The name of this channel.
If this channel is age gated.
The ID of the parent of this channel, if applicable.
The permission overwrites of this channel.
The position of this channel on the sidebar.
The amount of seconds between non-moderators sending messages.
The id of the voice region of the channel, null
is automatic.
The topic of the channel.
The type of this channel.
The maximum number of members in this voice channel, 0
is unlimited.
The video quality mode of this channel.
A string that will mention this channel.
The parent of this channel, if applicable. This will be a text/announcement/forum channel if we're in a thread, category otherwise.
The voice states related to this channel.
Create an invite for this channel. If the guild is not a COMMUNITY
server, invites can only be made to last 30 days.
The options for the invite.
Create a message in this channel.
The options for the message.
Add a reaction to a message in this channel.
The ID of the message to add a reaction to.
The reaction to add to the message. name:id
for custom emojis, and the unicode codepoint for default emojis.
Create a webhook in this channel.
The options to create the webhook with.
Bulk delete messages in this channel.
The IDs of the messages to delete. Any duplicates or messages older than two weeks will cause an error.
reason: stringThe reason for deleting the messages.
Remove a reaction from a message in this channel.
The ID of the message to remove a reaction from.
The reaction to remove from the message. name:id
for custom emojis, and the unicode codepoint for default emojis.
user: stringThe user to remove the reaction from, @me
for the current user (default).
Remove all, or a specific emoji's reactions from a message in this channel.
The ID of the message to remove reactions from.
emoji: stringThe reaction to remove from the message. name:id
for custom emojis, and the unicode codepoint for default emojis. Omit to remove all reactions.
Edit this channel.
The options for editing the channel.
Edit a message in this channel.
The ID of the message to edit.
The options for editing the message.
Edit a permission overwrite on this channel.
The ID of the permission overwrite to edit.
The options for editing the permission overwrite.
Get the invites of this channel.
Get a message in this channel.
The ID of the message to get.
Get messages in this channel.
options: GetChannelMessagesOptions<Uncached | AnyTextableChannel>The options for getting the messages. before
, after
, and around
All are mutually exclusive.
Get the pinned messages in this channel.
Get the users who reacted with a specific emoji on a message in this channel.
The ID of the message to get reactions from.
The reaction to remove from the message. name:id
for custom emojis, and the unicode codepoint for default emojis.
options: GetReactionsOptionsThe options for getting the reactions.
Join this stage channel.
The options to join the channel with.
Get the permissions of a member. If providing an id, the member must be cached.
The member to get the permissions of.
Purge an amount of messages from this channel.
The options to purge. before
, after
, and around
All are mutually exclusive.
getGenerated using TypeDoc
Represents a guild voice channel.